Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cornering The Market On Ignorance

I looked at the exterior thermometer and it was 17 degrees with a promise from Bill Meck on Channel 18 that we would finally be above freezing tomorrow for the first time in a long time. I guess I'm dwelling on this weather thing because I, likeone else has had enough of this crap!!It was freezing in MIami this past weekend , and I bet the Cubans were trying to float back to Havana and Fidel. It was over a hundred years ago since Miami was this cold. Even Key West was 44 degrees!There,s something wrong when New York and Boston are as warm as South Florida in January. Maybe Al Gore should go down on South Beach and figure this Global Warming situation out. Scientists said that the Ice in Antartica is breaking up , but the water is below freezing, and they don't know why. They can only scratch their heads. I don't exactly know what a scientist is anyway. Just who exactly designates a man or woman as a "Scientist"?Most scientists appoint themselves , and the thing most have in common is that they must literally publish articles in their fields in obscure trade journals on a frequent basis. Most scientists cannot actually converse with someone out of their field. I guarantee the average scientist would screw up an order at a convenient food mart for strawberry icecream. At the best the stuff would be melting out on the floor while they absorbed the labels on everything in the freezer section.It's almost like the weather guys and girls on TV. I don't want entertainment for weather , or long explanations. I don't need to know about verge or wind chill. And please quit this business of a short weather teaser and then a promise of what else is coming later. And what's with all Lexington Stations having such a wide difference in forecasts? One prognosticator even has a 3 degree guarantee. I have not heard what happens if he misses his guarantee. If so do we get rewards, or better yet does some UK football player get to whip his ass? I think not , but then maybe I should have threatened him with a Clemson Player. I honestly think the pale TV weather boys could keep up with the cats on the football field. Speaking of The Cats, is there something out of adjustment on my flat screen?? Mrs. Dario Francetti looked like she had put on a few since the last time. But who am I to criticize, she's still pretty. The only word of caution-Wynona.This cold weather has caused me to do some erratic things, and out of curiosity I picked up Amy Whitehouse's "Back To Black". When she won the awards the last year or so I was unfamiliar with her other than she was a skinny , skanky looking Englishwoman who had bad tastes in men, drug habits , and a propensity to brawl in public. I thought there must be some talent to this chick, and guess what?? I got hooked after the second sound track.This skanky girl can sing!! Her music reminds me of the girl singers of the 60's and 70's, as well as her back up music. I'm hooked on her like Fergie.I also picked up a 2 volume set of Marvin Gaye, and took a trip back through time to Water Street in Richmond , Ky, circa 1968. Then Exile was The Exiles, and country wasn't their genre. It was wall to wall with girls under black lights and flashing strobes with too much makeup, and a tendency to wear lots of hairspray. We didn't have I Phones or computers, and wouldn't for 30 years or so. I don't think I missed them. The girls were always prettier under the strobes, and generally changed looks once outside. I did too though, so we were all even. Sometimes there were positive connections, and sometimes we would trade connections in the course of a trip down at Specks. We didn't hold it against each other most of the time. One of my favorite of all girls I found in the Spring of 1968 in the middle of a ferocious snowball fight between the Combs Class Room Building and the University Building. My best buddy had already given up and headed on his eventual way to Saigon and a warmer climate.I missed him and his free spirited ways , but I was a Freshman and she was a Senior. I eventually went on to another senior,but met my buddy two years later as one of his pall bearers. Life was a temporary bitch, but youth forgets. My last homecoming football game at Hanger Field found my friend's date sitting next to me munching on her yellow football mum corsage. In her defense she left the stem and ribbon, and seemed none the worse for wear.This all comes back to the fact that it was probably even colder, and I never even thought about the weather and never bitched. It actually made the girls get closer for warmth. The difference today, 40 years later? I'm having to help pay for heat bills, and the girls just put on another sweater or blanket. There's no more snowball fights, strobe lights, or drunken girls in my life. I don't think I miss that, but thanks skanky Amy for triggering some warm memories, as well as Marvin for making those girls go ballestic on "Long Distant Lover".Tomorrow is up to mid 30's. Life is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stevie! Hope the weather is treating you nice in FL. It's been a bitch back here in KY. I am sick and tired of putting on 15 layers to go outside and still freeze my ass off. Why can't the winter be warm? Maybe I should ask Al Gore. Do you think he would have the answer? Only problem is that Al's gone MIA since the record breaking snow storms have hit! No shit, I wonder why?
Well, hope you're having fun. Soak up some sun for me. Tell Sandy I said Hello.
Kari "Corine"