Well this certainly is starting off well as I have used one finger to type nearly an hour of incoherent thoughts, only to hit some some damn obscure key and lose it all!! Somewhere in cyberspace is a worthless attempt of a 63 year old man to cry out in frustration at the shortcomings of the world I live in in July of 2012. A mindless act of murder has ended 12 innocent lives and changed forever the lives of thousands of people that didn't deserve such an atrocity. This maniac will cost society millions of dollars to arrive at an obvious conclusion. The orange- haired son of a bitch is insane.Now what? News people said Colorado might seek the death penalty. He will spend the rest of his life in maximum security on our dollar.And Batman? How many times are we going to do the Super Heroes? I know about box office draws, but is this what creativity has been reduced to? What ever happened to Hollywood ? The Graduate? The Sting? Butch Cassidy and Sundance? Steve McQueen or Humphrey Bogart? I saw Dark Shadows , thinking it would be entertaining. Wrong. Johnny Depp seemed to be torn between being asleep or being bored. And what is this Vampire shit?? Snow White ? There seems to be a shortage of talented actors and actresses. All the actors seem to be a bunch of skinny assed little men in tight suits waiting to come out of the closet. Anderson Cooper what are you thinking? Kardashians you all make me long for Brittney and Paris. I read Kim bought Kayne a new Lamborghini. I'm ashamed I wrote that or even knew that. I own no music by Kanye West or the Dixie Chicks, so I guess that shows where I am at this stage in life. So now little Tom Cruse and the Scientologists are on full damage control. Matt how can you be so glib? Oprah is interviewing people again, but who cares. Some woman has written a book about sado masochism and has sold billions of copies to chicks . I think Sandy has a copy on the Kindle. Damn that could be scary.Our local high school has been placed under the direction of the state department of education. It seems the local leadership and educators have not the foggiest idea of how to climb out of the depths of incompetence. I saw one middle course offering was teaching texting on smart phones. Now come on, you're joking , right? They also are doing away with teaching writing. Who makes these decisions?? Our leaders . It's called the dumbing of America.I think they should make a movie about Chicken Little And The Falling Sky. Kayne West could be the chicken. About now I'm wondering who is Romney's Veep Choice will be. That's going to be interesting. They're already planning a Veep debate at Centre College and Romney doesn't have a running mate yet. Here we are the last of July.That only leaves three months. I suggest he choose Turtle Man. He can't be any
dumber than Joe Biden, and at least they could use him to keep critters out of the White House. Come to think of it that would a full time job. Kentucky has risen in the esteem of the world with Turtle Man and Neal. Haven't we? But you know they really are more entertaining than some of our other entertainers. Speaking of which we will soon be entertained by the debut of the University of Kentucky Football season. Think of it as a climate of contrasts. On the one hand we have Coach Cal and the Big Blue Nation. Then we have Joker and Unwinnables. Ticket sales are down for football in anticipation of yet another losing season. Maybe they should allow Kentucky to use a round ball for football. I don't think it would hurt , but that's only a suggestion. Or maybe the state department of education could take over the football team like they did our high school.It can't hurt. A final suggestion would be for Joker to help Neal and Turtleman on Animal Planet.No Bowls in sight.
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