Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sweeney Todd comes to Kentucky
Sandy and I went to Louisville on Saturday afternoon to the Kentucky Center to see Sweeney Todd. This version has been playing on Broadway, and is not to be confused with the movie version currently playing with Johnny Depp playing the title role. We had gotten the tickets as an anniversary present from the old brother-in-law and met him up there for the blood fest, and blood fest it is. Sweeney Todd is an English barber who uses a straight razor to dispatch his victims. I think he slit the throats of about 6 or 7 in the movie, including his female accomplice. Previously his lady love had helped dispose of the bodies by cooking them and making meat pies which they sold in the neighborhood. The butchery was accomplished on stage by the use of flashing red lights and fiendish noises as he slashed their throats with his shiny razor. There seems to be an element of truth to Sweeney as this story goes back to England about the early 1800s. There is a similar story from France about the same time. The play has 10 characters on the stage , and all play several instruments. The killed characters don white coats with bright red blood stains to separate them from the living. A central piece of stage furniture is an old fashioned black,wooden coffin that becomes a bar, a judge's bench , a podium , and an actual coffin. The music is very catchy and well performed,especially By the Sea and Johanna. The British to whom we owe this story are certainly morbid people. It was easily not the most up-lifting dramatic play that I have seen, but it was entertaining. We went across the street immediately following the play to the Bristol and dined; certainly not meat pies you can bet on that. As we were leaving I noticed a new night club/restaurant just down the street, close to the big ball bat. I can't remember the name but it reminded me of Greenwich Village or Soho because it had the whole roof ledge and door archetraves festooned with life-sized emperor penguins painted bright red. Quite an impressive sight. By the doorway they had this theatrical chandalier hanging over the sidewalk , very large in scale and dramatic.I've got to research the red penguins and patronize the place. It certainly won't take the place of McDonalds, but Downtown Louisville is leaps and bounds over downtown Lexington.All Lexington seems to be able to muster is worn out shows at the Opera House or infrequent concerts at Rupp Arena. We also like going to the Palace Theater and eating at Cunninghams across the street. We took the nieces and nephews in early DEcember to see Michael MacDonald . I think they were more impressed with the restaurant than Michael. Maybe the Doobie Brothers are a little dated to their generation.Daytona came today and Ryan Newman won.I'm glad, because lately he has been more visible selling Gillette razors than appearing in the winner's circle. Maybe Sweeney Todd should use a Trac Three in the play and get royalties from the company, much like the "Young Guns".Compared to "Spam-A-Lot" Sweeny Todd is pretty drab, but they say Clay Aikens is going to play Sir Lancelot on the New York stage version of Spam-a Lot. .A good weekend including Sweeney and the Red Penguins. Tomorrow is Monday and the weather turns colder. Hurry up spring.I hope I don't hear "Convoy" going to work.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Music City Funk
Well last night the University Of Kentucky College of Athletics took the road show to Nashville to take on the Vanderbilt Commodores in basketball. Take them on they did and as Patterson said,"They played like men and we played like boys".I think girls could have beat these clowns. They scored 11 points the first half; must be some kind of record.They had worked their way up to number 85 in the nation. Congratulations guys.Now where will you be??86?? There apparently won't be any invitation to the Big Dance in March Madness. Why would there be? We can only look past this season to baseball. Our own close connection to UK Basketball from Stanford can be found in the Buffalo Springs Cemetary in the old section . A marker proclaims this to be the grave site of Basil Ewing Hayden , the First All American in Basketball at the University of Kentucky. Now that is pretty important for a native Stanford son to be the first of the best All American Basketball players at UK . Basil was born in 1899 in Stanford . His father was a grocer and his mother tutored students. As a child the family moved to Paris , Kentucky.He became a star athlete whetre he excelled at all sports. Going to UK he threw the javelin and was the best Basketball player on the team for four years. In 1926 after graduation he coached the Wildcats for one year.That was one of the worst team efforts for many years. His record, 3-13, was the last losing season until Eddie Sutton's 1988-89 record of 13-19.Basil starred in perhaps the first basketball tournament in history when he and the team played against Georgia in 1922. Basil died at the age of 103, and his remains were brought back to Stanford to be buried with his family. When asked about his secret to long life, Basil once said, "Live to 99, and then be careful."Most people do not realize Basil lies in rest in the cemetary, his little ,modest stone and marker overshadowed by the obelisks of rich and important men. There was a small frozen American flag iced on to the bronze marker, a flash of color in the white snow.I never knew Basil but I think the modest monument would suit him to a "t".Thanks Basil Hayden for what you started, and as to the current UK Basketball team and Coach, you are all certainly reason to look to the past.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Grammys Turn 50
This past Sunday night was pretty dreadful for television so I found myself watching the 50th Edition of the Grammys. I used to watch music award shows all the time , but as I aged the music and I grew more distant. I guess every generation splits with previous generations over music . I know my parents thought the Beatles meant the the end of civilization, and I think maybe they were right. John and George are both dead and Sir Paul is battling his one time wife for what may be the biggest divorce settlement in British history. Little old trashy Ringo seems to be a survivor and is doing well , at least by the looks of the blonde babe on his arm. Music awards have always been a spectacle , yet this one was somewhat sedate by MTV standards. This Rap guy Kaeyne West did some strange stuff and wore these lit -up glasses like in a sci-fi movie with radiation, and he made the program stop playing music to finish his thank yous for some award.Later on this emaciated , tattooed crack girl won 5 awards , including best song. She was in England and thanked her mama and incarcerated husband. Later on Natalie Cole was angry because the Electric Glasses guy didn't win enertainer of the year because this crack babe did , and she felt this set a bad example considering the tattoo girl's past substance abuse. It's not exactly like they're all lily white. I think they all become rich and famous to buy drugs. I saw Joe Walsh in the stands . Way to go Joe!!Eagles new Wal Mart CD is not my favorite, but rumor is they're going on tour this year. Fergie sang my least favorite song on the Duchess CD, and didn't look her best, but she is still hot. They drug Cher out of some rest home and she introduced Beyonce and Tina Turner as they sang a couple off of Private Dancer and then Proud Mary.Tina is 68 years old and should have gracefully declined to dance on stage, at least with Beyonce and the backup dancers. The Tina Turner I want to remember had the sexiest legs on earth and that wild spiked wig, not the Tina Turner dancing with Miss Knoles. Beyonce is beautiful and immensely talented , but she will enter her later years with a lot of booty.Speaking of big, Aretha sang a holy roller song with a gospel choir and man, is she a big woman. I think she had better lose a lot of weight or she won't be around long. I think she eats more than she sings. Remember her part in the Blues Brothers Movie? I miss John Belushi. I think he was the funniest natural comedian of all times. Animal House will never be topped. I saw Faith Hill in one of those PR shots, and maybe the angle was bad ,but her derriere looked as big as Arethas. She was still pretty in the face.I think Brittany was under institutional arrest or something because she wasn't there.Michael Jackson was not seen, but he was probably raising his family or super-gluing his latest nose back on.Fame does really bizarre things to people. I saw the artist formerly known as Prince, and currently again as Prince, and he introduced csomething. He is at least consistent, and very talented. I think his consistency has something to do with being from the cold Minnesota area.All in all it wasn,t the worse Award show but it certainly wasn't the best. They even had Ludakris under control. I didn't see Snoop Dog or Flavr Flav but I guess they're too old now. I miss Bobby Brown and Whitney and a little bit of Ozzie, along with Bill Clinton. Life isn't as entertaining to us country boys without Bubba in the White House. I'm going to buy this Crack Girls CD because it maybe good. She won entertainer of the year for something. What ever happened to Norah Jones?? Whatever happened to Michelle Branch , and her rise to fame with Carlos Santana? Where is Charlotte Church?? Country music seems to be in a slump. Where's Alan Jackson when we need him ? Everything seems to be normal after the awards but I wish WPBK would quit playing that stupid Convoy song early in the mornings. I've hated that song since it first played. I've sincerely had an overload of the Rubber Duck. I wonder if Bubba misses Monica??
Saturday, February 09, 2008
A Visit To The Queen City(Almost)

This past Friday Mike and I went north up I-75 to Covington to check on the status of a job that will ultimately be in Cincinnati. The company we have the proposal with is located on the banks of the Ohio in Covington , which like the Cincinnati Airport is located in Kentucky.Covington is a very unusual town which seems in doubt of its identity. On the one hand it is separated from its big city sister by the rolling Ohio, which today was very high and muddy from all the recent rains.On the other hand it is still full of Kentucky rednecks who daily pass over the bridge to take the higher wages from the more prosperous Ohio business community.Ironically there has been somewhat of a reversal with the migration as the Buckeyes are crossing the bridge southward to work for the Airport, Delta, Citi Corp, or Fed Ex.The one thing they seem to share is the love of drinking and pursuit of pleasure.Both have racetracks, sleazy bars, and "Gentlemens Clubs".Indiana down the river has the gambling boats.I believe there is ample opportunity for the visiting country boys to spend their hard earned cash, and I don't mean Florence Mall, Y'all.We still haven't found if we get the job, which is very large, probably a full years work.If we do there will be lots of meetings and trips northward , which really isn't far,just an hour and change for 80 miles. There is a KSP Post at Dry Ridge which adds spice to the trip.Your chances are greater today getting a ticket from the weight watchers as they sneak around in their nasty ,goldish Crown Vics with the blue stripes. These State Police Wannabees write a lot of tickets, mainly on automobile traffic. Work zones cost double, ask me. I know for a fact. I'm not so fond of going North;give me Knoxville any day. Speaking of Country Boys, Stanford now has a new radio station, WPBK-FM. We had WRSL for years and it was sold and left the area. We were dependent on Danville or Lexington for local news, but now the station is back in operation and with a very unusual format. It is a blend of talk radio with music, local announcements, and sports. Probably the most popular segment is the Swap And Shop where you can buy anything. The early segment is unique in that the DJ plays all genre of music. The other morning he played 16 tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford followed by George Thoroughgood stuttering out "BBBAAD to the Bone". One time he had George Jones and "He Stopped Loving her today" followed by AC-DC promoting "Rated X", the world champion wrestler owned by the DJ. I think Rated X lives in Geneva or New Salem. Oddly enough the music mix seems to work. Can't you just see some old Farmer up to his knees in cow manure singing some song about the Reaper from Blue Oyster Cult? They also have the sports director Captain Timmy giving weather reports from the WPBK helicopter on the days school is out. If there's school Timmy has to be calling subs for ailing teachers, and then going to teach social studies. He's a busy lad as he serves on the city council, as well as running for exercise. Last council meeting Timmy challenged the other 5 members to participate in a 5K race scheduled for sometime in June. Right, Timmy. I do believe that Timmy uses Crab Orchard's Cobra helicopter when he gives the traffic report on snow days. They probably use the batteries off the Amish Buggies to start the thing.Maybe other council members can use our big red caboose to report on something from .I do believe the radio station is doing a remarkably good job, and the community has missed it. The only glitch so far has been a play of Jimmy Buffet's classic"Why Don't WE Get Drunk and Screw". By mistake of course. I bet the old English Teachers lit up on that one..That would probably fly in Covington.So Barkeep pour another round of brew........ 102.9 on the FM dial
Sunday, February 03, 2008
My State Of The Union 2008
Well 2008 has quietly come in, and like the Governor and President Bush it's time for my state of the Union report. Having been married for 34 years already, and having lived in the same house those same 34 years , and starting on my 30th year with the same job , to say that I am conservative is quite the understatement. Somehow we bought the little cottage next door from a gay guy who had just purchased it.Now I didn't want the house but the lad priced it too cheap. We gave him the money, and he gave me a hug, and I finally finished completely remodelling the thing two years and thousands of dollars later. The little cottage is only 1100 square feet , and somewhere Sandy and I lost our minds and decided to move in.We left 3600 square feet next door for the baby slum cottage. It's a whole lot warmer in the winter , and a whole lot easier to heat with adequate insulation and a heat pump.This spring I start working on the old behemoth in hopes of selling it , and maybe baby slum house as well. The big house was originally started in 1868, and the whole neighborhood has always been afraid of it because of ghosts. One old lady jumped to her death around the turn of the century from my bedroom window, while the story is that another man hanged himself in a barn that was adjacent to the house. The only scary things that I ever saw was when Sandy's ancient great aunts would visit and were very liberal walking around semi- clothed, actually semi- naked is more apt. What is it about senior citizens that makes them want others to see their wrinkled underparts??I think I was emotionally scared seeing Aunt Marietta's upper nakedness one winter night. It certainly didn't bother her. I really don't know that she knew the extent that gravity had caused parts to go south. Another time Uncle Earl was lying in a front bedroom with a night lamp illuminating his emaciated , ninety year old face. I thought it was a fresh corpse, but he ate breakfast the next morning.I never saw any ghosts , but I feel they probably left when I moved in.I know that nearly 35 years ago when I moved in, the old lawn was a forest of ancient mature trees, so many in fact that in the fall of 1974 we raked up over 90 bags of leaves. The only thing outnumbering the trees were garter snakes. Every time I was picking up leaves to bag I inadvertantly picked up writhing masses of the ill humored little serpents. Yuck! The only thing I hate worse than snakes are babies picking their noses. The trees are all gone through wind storms, old age , and just too much maintenance. So in 2008 we are in a smaller house without steps and with more privacy than in the corner lot before. The Hollywood whores are still misbehaving, and they have even gotten Doctor Phil involved. That was really dumb on his part to get drawn in; maybe he isn't as smart as I thought.Barack has gotten Oprah involved in his campaign. I don't understand this Oprah thing either.Hillary and Bill aren't looking so good, and Pretty Boy dropped out and took his $400 haircut back home to North Carolina. I wish all the current candidates would quit and get some fresh ones. I miss little Ross Perot with his banjo ears and charts. I wouldn't vote for him, I just miss him. Now Dennis Kuchinich, the one time Boy Wonder has gotten old and shrunk to the size of an elf. He's so far left that I think Ralph Nader would be scared of him. McCain, if elected he would be the oldest man ever elected to the office. He scares me. Romney?? He should be married to John Kerry's wife , the pickle woman. Guiliani left Florida, A distant third and Fred took his babe back to Tennessee. Talk of Bloomberg keeps coming up, and I hope he keeps his money in New York.This could be the first Presidential election I haven't voted in since I was 18. And our new Governor? He won't be happy until he repays his underworld gambling friends off with new casinos in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. What can you expect from a weasly lawyer? Our Lieutenant Governor has an early twenties wife, or maybe girlfriend. I don't know if they're married. I just know he's too old for her, especially with his ambition in politics.We're still in Afghanistan and Iraq. Time to get out.Let's take the war money and put it in health care for our own people.I'm trying to think of what I'm going to spend my $6oo government economy stimulent money on. If Sandy deoesn't get it first I may go to NYC and walk over to Brooklyn again this spring. I haven't fought any duels this past year , but I have been perilously close.Sandy went to Gatlinberg this past weekend and my brother asked what I was going to do Saturday night. Right. What do 58 year old men do on Saturday nights? The same things they did when they were 57 or 56 . They stay home with the slum houses and the slum neighbors. Remember this isn't the Green Zone. It's always condition orange on Helm And Moon Streets.My niece has a boyfriend that reminds me of Bobby Brown, so I have renamed her Whitney. They seem to be oblivious to anything but each other.She has a Cairn Terrier with protruding bottom teeth that I have remed "Bucky". He can destroy a house in two hours . We should send lots like him to Iraq. I guarantee the insurgents would surrender fast.I really don't have any complaints other than the previous ones, but I kind of miss Rosie and Donald.The Dixie Chicks are long overdue another meltdown, and the Baldwins always have something up their sleeves.What's with Paris??Haven't heard from her. I hope this year is wetter than last. One office in Lancaster wrote"Remember Rain?" on their outside message board. Atlanta is a lot worse than we are. Maybe it's Al Gore's global warming.One thing is certain : cream always rises to the top. Viva Hollywood!
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