In early April Sandy Kay and I went to NYC to celebrate her birthday. My brother and his wife went with us as they had never toured the city. Flying into LaGuardia from Louisville was uneventful as the youthful US Air crew had us touched down in an hour and a half. I'm always amazed at the pilots and co-pilots these days for their youthful appearances. The pilot on this flight looked maybe 25. I wondered if maybe he honed up his skills between flights on the latest video games, or maybe if he still lived at home with mom and dad? Either way he touched down like a feather and thanked us for flying US Air. I've grown to like the little commuter jets except for having to debark out on the runway and walking up steps to the terminal. Luggage pickup was a snap ,as I saw our old trusty Wal-Mart carry- on come limping around the carousel. Have you ever noticed everyone has the same size bag with red ribbons tied on for identification? I think there is some logic in packing along a cheap looking bag,as the gorillas go after the more expensive Louis Vuitton luggage, real or fake. Our nicer luggage has been destroyed over several flights and old Wal-Mart, like the energizer bunny just keeps on going. The Cab ride to Mid-town was remarkably smooth and efficient, unlike the typical near death trips that we have experienced in the past. I came to the conclusion that if I'm slated to depart this life in a car wreck, it will be 750 miles from Stanford in some part of Manhattan in a bright yellow cab with an alien driver . I hope he doesn't get his $40 fare. We bought a 7 day pass for the sub-way and went hell bent for leather doing the tourist thing. Statue of Liberty was impressive on a partly cloudy day in the upper sixty degrees. As usual there were crowds of school children on tours. One particular group of high school girls all dressed uniformly with tight hip hugger jeans and thong bands peeking out of the tops of their slacks. Generally about a couple of inches of butt was exposed , which obviously was the intent. I felt about 85 years old....Our next trip was up the Empire State Building to the observation deck .For $18 you can see the world. I think that Peter Minuet and the Dutch got their $24 worth . Looking towards Central Park to the north, I am reminded of all the trips through there as we've visited Strawberry Fields and John Lennon's monument by Yoko . The next day we go downtown and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, an experience that everyone should do. The pedestrian walkway is a story above the automobiles and there is a lane for bicyclists.Sometimes unwary tourists wander into the biker's lane and must flee for their lives as bikers come speeding along on their expensive carbon fiber bikes. They have a shrill whistle to warn dumbasses from Kentucky out of their way. Its about a 45 minute walk across, but takes longer just for frequent stops looking back at Manhattan , the other bridges, or the statue of Liberty.
Built in the 1880's by Roebling, the bridge, like the Golden Gate is a national treasure. I couldn't help but reflect on the thousands who fled across the bridge as the 9.11 events changed our lives, even over 700 miles away. That day we were all New Yorkers.Roebling also designed the bridge going across the Ohio River at Covington , also in the 1880s. He was not alive but his son completed the bridge. Perhaps the definitive moment for me this trip was near Columbus Circle as this chubby black man lounged on a park bench with a cardboard placard. His sign read,"Need Money to get drunk so that 2 women can take me home and molest me. Donations accepted." Only in New York!I guess I envied him. The rest of the afternoon was spent in the park as yuppies ran and exercised on the trails during lunch. Everywhere as usual were dogs,dogs, and more dogs, all well behaved like their masters, only wanting to share a bit of the outdoors with 7 million other people.As we departed the last vision I had of Times Square was the Naked Cowboy in his usual spot between the busy traffic, his white BVDs glowing like a beacon. He has to have a woman to keep his drawers that white!! Any normal male would have already washed his drawers in with socks or jeans . I know that from experience. Leaving Mid-town behind, our Egyptian Cabdriver proved as reckless and dangerous as any I've ever seen. We were approaching 75 before we crossed the bridge. My sister-in -law later confided she became sick and was tempted to get in the rear floor board. I wouldn't recommend that as you never never know what has been left there. Myself, I kind of felt like Captain Kirk as he said," Take us out of here Mr. Sulu". Viva New York!
Built in the 1880's by Roebling, the bridge, like the Golden Gate is a national treasure. I couldn't help but reflect on the thousands who fled across the bridge as the 9.11 events changed our lives, even over 700 miles away. That day we were all New Yorkers.Roebling also designed the bridge going across the Ohio River at Covington , also in the 1880s. He was not alive but his son completed the bridge. Perhaps the definitive moment for me this trip was near Columbus Circle as this chubby black man lounged on a park bench with a cardboard placard. His sign read,"Need Money to get drunk so that 2 women can take me home and molest me. Donations accepted." Only in New York!I guess I envied him. The rest of the afternoon was spent in the park as yuppies ran and exercised on the trails during lunch. Everywhere as usual were dogs,dogs, and more dogs, all well behaved like their masters, only wanting to share a bit of the outdoors with 7 million other people.As we departed the last vision I had of Times Square was the Naked Cowboy in his usual spot between the busy traffic, his white BVDs glowing like a beacon. He has to have a woman to keep his drawers that white!! Any normal male would have already washed his drawers in with socks or jeans . I know that from experience. Leaving Mid-town behind, our Egyptian Cabdriver proved as reckless and dangerous as any I've ever seen. We were approaching 75 before we crossed the bridge. My sister-in -law later confided she became sick and was tempted to get in the rear floor board. I wouldn't recommend that as you never never know what has been left there. Myself, I kind of felt like Captain Kirk as he said," Take us out of here Mr. Sulu". Viva New York!